Women’s Rights

 In 2022, the Supreme Court over turned the historical case of Roe v Wade. This stripped women of the right  to an abortion. This has left the decision up to the states and allowed states to create their own laws on abortion restriction. States that are naturally more conservative such as Alabama, Texas, Florida have completely banned abortions. This is a violation of women’s rights. Women around the country have been protesting for their rights to be restored. In some states, such as Arizona, they were met with force. These protests show that women want access to these rights and that there is a need for accessible abortions and education. 

Accessible abortion is a human right. Restricting women from getting safe abortions is a violation of their right to healthcare. Now more than ever, accessible and safe healthcare is imperative. Banning safe abortions does not get rid of abortions, It stops access to safe abortions. People have been crossing state lines just to access the healthcare they need. Women who need an abortion but cannot get one may be in danger of greater health complications . Overall, the ban on abortions could be harmful.

No women should be put in the position to have to fear for her life. Abortion is a right that everyone with a uterus should have access to. Federal legislation needs to be reinstated to allow for safe abortion access across the country. As a country we need to move forward rather than taking two steps back. 


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