Burger King's Ad for Freshness


In the age we live in, many companies create products that are made to last. Many food companies have also taken up this idea and have begun to add preservatives into their foods to have longevity in their food products. This includes many popular fast food chains including McDonald’s, Sonic, Wendy’s and many more.

In 2020, Burger King decided to take a different approach to connect with their audience. Burger King decided to highlight their approach to fast food and the public health crisis of artificial preservatives in many of the food we as Americans eat every day. Companies put these in their food so they can increase their shelf life and have less product waste. Companies are not taking into account the health of the people. Burger king created this ad to show the freshness of the product they push out to the public. Although it is still fast food, this company is trying to show how their product is better and fresher and the effort they put into to giving customers quality food that isn’t made for shelf life but to be enjoyed fresh.

This ad catches the attention of the audience by their boldness as to show their food moly after 4 weeks to show the natural ingredients they use in their food. Their attempt to show the raw and honest truth about their products allows the reader to trust their company because of their realness and relatability to the customers of the business. 


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